Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9th 2011

I finally bought a scale.  I had one before but I think it was as old as dirt.... You would step on it and it never returned to zero so you didn't really know if you lost that half pound or not.  So I broke down and purchased an electronic one. 

I have to say that I haven't been losing the weight as I had hoped.  When I started Phenphedrine I weighed 156lbs and now I weigh 153.5lbs.  I was hoping that the weight would come off quicker....

One positive thing about Phenphedrine is that you do NOT feel hungry.  As I stated in prior posts, I only take one in the morning and one in the early part of the afternoon.  I end up eating a well balanced dinner.  So I am going to rethink the dosage.

Today I will take one when I get up, another at noon and yet another at 3pm and see if that jump starts the weight take-off.  I will post in another few days and let you know how that works out for me.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Phenphedrine - Day 2

Ok, so I had a rough 1st day with major nausea.  I never did take the third dose as instructed.  Wanted to see if I would feel better.  About 5:30pm last night I started feeling some-what human again.  I did manage to eat some saltine crackers and a pretzel before I went to bed.  I slept fine and had no further problems.

I woke and took my 1st dose this morning at 7:45am.  This time I did not eat anything with it and decided to flavor my bottle of water with one of those grape packets.  I also think that I will take my second dose at 2pm and forget about the third all-together.  I wasn't hungry at all yesterday with the two doses, so I figure why waste the extra dose?  Hopefully I won't feel nauseated today... I will keep you posted as the day progresses. 

This day went without a hitch!  I did not feel awful, was not hungry throughout the day, and was fine to take in some nourishment at supper time without feeling sick.  So I will stick with this plan and continue on.

From now on, I will post briefly and attempt to put up a pic of me "before", and when I am finished with my three bottles of Phenphedrine, the "after" pic!  I hope I am able to reach my goal of 125lbs before camping season the end of May!

Type to you soon! (ttys)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Phenphedrine arrives 12/27/2010

OK so my order has arrived.  I am anxious to see if all the hype is true.  However, you have to take your first dose as soon as you get up in the morning; and space the other 2 doses, so that you have 7 hours before you go to bed.  The directions state "Do not take within 7 hours of bedtime".  I am assuming because it will keep you up.  So I opt to take my doses at 7:30am, 11am and 2:30pm. 

Today is December 28th 2010 and I took my first dose at 7:30am with a 16oz glass of water.  I don't normally drink that much water at one time, but I am going to follow the directions to a tee.  I have a cup of decaf at about 8am, and go about my day. I have to admit that I am not hungry....not the least  bit, but I eat a 100 cal granola bar at about 8:30am because I know that I should eat something.  I don't seem to have any side effects, as I am really watching how I feel.  I want to make sure I document everything.

At 11am I take my second dose with another 16oz glass of water.  After about 20 minutes I feel a little wishy-washy, but I think that is because I haven't eaten anything to speak of.  So I grab an apple and eat that, but again I am not eating because I am hungry, I am eating because I know that I should.  It is really strange not to feel hungry. At about 11:30am I need to sit down for a minute because my legs are wobbly.  Again, I think that has to do with not eating.  I take a break and sit down at the computer, work on this blog, and hope the feeling passes soon.  At 12:26pm I still feel a little sick to my stomach but I decide to suck it up and continue with my day. I chew a couple pieces of gum to help with the sick feeling I am experiencing.

1:15pm the shaky legs and nausea continues. I feel a little jittery also, so I eat some venison jerky, just a little bit, just to see if that helps.  I also open a can of ginger ale to help me ease the feeling.  Again, I am not experiencing any hunger what so ever and my heart is fine, no rapid heart beats, so that is good.  So far the only unpleasantness that I experience is what I've been writing about all along.  Feeling a lot of nausea at 1:26pm and feel like I should lay down for a bit to see if it will pass.

2:16pm I went to do some more research on this product to see if I am the only one who was experiencing nausea, and  come to find out I am not.  With most of the product comments that I read, people had no appetite with Phenphedrine.  However, no one else was giving an in depth analysis like I am.  I did come across one person who wrote that food made them nauseated.  Wonderful!  I have been trying to eat to help with the bad.  I won't eat when I take my 3pm dose.  I will just drink the water that I am supposed to.  At this point, I still feel nauseated and right now I wish I could just throw up to get it over with. 

I am not looking forward to the 3pm dose, but I know that I have to stick this out.  From what I did read, it took alot of people a couple of days to get used to this product.  I guess I will just think of it as being sick with the flu. You don't eat for a couple of days, then you feel better.  We'll see....

Well it is 3pm and I have decided not to take this dose.  I am still sick to my stomach and nauseated and I want to make sure that the feeling will subside.  I do not want to make myself any sicker.  Perhaps I do not require the recommended dosage.  I will post tommorrow.....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I own a Muffin Top and I am gonna try Phenphedrine to BAKE it off!

Yes, 12/22/2010, I have purchased three bottles of Phenphedrine from the Internet.  I am posting this blog because I will be writing a journal on how Phenphedrine works for me and truthfully posting my ACTUAL results with no fluff or BS.

I am not a newbie to the diet pill, and I have tried various other weight-loss techniques in my 40++ years.  However the reviews for Phenphedrine seem promising and there is a money-back guarantee.
I am determined to lose 35lbs before the camping season starts.  For us in Upstate NY, that won't happen until late May of 2011.  So I have a little less than 5 months to make my goal a reality.

I do not sit on my butt all day.  Although I may not exercise everyday, I try to attend my Zumba class twice a week, walk on the treadmill sporadically, and I will also snow ski if the weather permits.  I weigh 156 pounds, not ideal for a 5'5" female adult over the age of 45.  I have the problem areas typical of the Upstate NY female gender....Muffin top, cottage cheese thighs, jiggly butt and bat wing arms.  Not the least bit flattering in the mirror. 

I do have bad habits, I drink beer every night, but in my defense, it is Bud Select  55.  I posses a bit of a sweet tooth because I love those Smarties lollipops and I can't resist jawbreakers. I will work on that......

The price of Phenphedrine was a little above what I feel comfortable paying for any weight loss product.  But I am hopeful that it will deliver what it promises and I do have that guarantee to fall back on. 

I will post again when the product arrives, the receipt said "priority (2-3 days)".  We'll see.....
I am hoping that I can post a before pic so that my progress will be truthfully documented.  I won't show my face though....too embarrassed.